Category: Uncategorized
Debt Collection, An Impossible Task? Not For Us!
Collecting debt on your own can seem like an impossible task, you may feel like you don’t even know where to begin. Do you make phone calls, do you send stern letters, do you get the law involved? Maybe you’ve tried several tactics and none of them have worked. Maybe you’d like to outsource this…
Tact and Respect in Debt Collections
If you’ve had trouble collecting on debts owed you, you may have thought of turning to a debt collection agency. You may also have put this off due to concerns you have–aren’t many debt collection agencies notorious for shady tactics, abusive practices, and general unethical behavior? And it’s true there are debt collection agencies out…
A Debt Owed To You
Cascade Collections is a debt collector here in Utah that is formed to help you collect debt that is owed you. One of the keys to collecting debt is making sure you are in the forefront of the debtor’s mind. You’ve heard the old adage, ‘the squeaky wheel gets the grease’? This is true with…
Private Practice Physicians and Dentists Take Heart!
If you’re in private practice as a physician or a dentist, you’re probably very busy with the day-to-day of seeing patients, but you also have to deal with those who don’t pay their bills. At Cascade Collections, we’ve made it our goal to collect on medical and dental bills in a reasonable, fair, and timely…
Making Deals 101: It’s The Paperwork, Dummy!
If you’ve been given the runaround when it comes to collecting money owed you, we’d like to help. Today we’re going to discuss how you can protect yourself when lending money. As the old adage says, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. First and foremost when you make deals regarding money,…
Debt, debt, debt!
Deadbeat, cheat, welsher, crook, freeloader, sponger, moocher, swindler, cheapskate, skinflint, tightwad, fraudster, slacker, thief, defaulter, dodger, backslider, liar, phony, free rider, loafer, reneger, riffraff, robber, slickster. Whatever you want to call them, people who don’t pay their debts are the worst! As long as people have been lending money, there have been people who have…
We Collect For You!
Strange how things go–someone owes you money but they seem to easily forget that. But if you owe them money they are quick to let you know about it and hound you until you pay them back. Let’s be real, though. Since you’re perusing this site, it’s more likely that someone owes you. You probably pay…
Collections For You! Call Cascade Collections Today
Collections Conundrum: A scene: You’ve been renting out a home for many years now. Most of your renters have been on time with their payments and have treated your property with respect, but this last renter is giving you fits. You’ve given extensions, you’ve listened to a litany of excuses, you’ve threatened late fees and…
Recover Debt Now
Are you dealing with customers, clients, or renters who owe you money? Some people will go to great lengths to avoid paying money they owe. Others may pay sporadically or make only partial payments. And some are in financial trouble and get very behind in their payments. How do you recover money that is rightfully…
We Collect For You!
In the modern world, money is an important issue. None of us can survive without it. Food, shelter, clothing, and other basic necessities can’t be obtained unless you have money. This means that money is a constant source of tension for many of us. We often feel we never have quite enough. Some of us borrow…