Category: Uncategorized
Fair Debt Collections
There are many different kinds of debt collection agencies. When choosing which agency is right for you, you will want to consider the various types of agencies and find the one that best suits your needs. In collecting debt, and to protect consumers, there are many regulations that must be followed. You will want to…
Medical/Dental Collections
At Cascade Collections, we recognize that you’re hiring us to recover more, and that you’d ideally like to pay less for that service. We’re here to accommodate your wants and needs. Recovering for medical and dental debt requires tact and delicacy. You want to keep your clients and customers and continue to serve the community…
Avoid Credit Card Fraud
Last time we discussed ways that you can avoid getting deeply in debt. Today, we’d like to share with you ways that you can avoid credit card fraud. This is an important issue that is becoming more and more relevant as thieves are ever more sophisticated in their ability to steal your information. First, and…
How to Stay Out of Debt Part 2
Last time, we discussed ways you can avoid incurring debt and this week, we’re going to expand on that theme and add some more steps that you can take to keep yourself out of debt. At times, everyone usually has to borrow money and incur some debt–this would occur when you buy a home, a…
How to Stay Out of Debt
Today we are going to discuss an important issue in modern society: how to avoid debt. You probably know many people who are drowning in debt–credit card debt, student loans, etc. Debt can be a debilitating responsibility that keeps you from enjoying your life and taking advantage of the opportunities that come your way. As…
Do Friends or Family Members Owe You Money?
Today we want to discuss how to deal with the problem of friends or family members who owe you money. We know that this can be terribly tricky. Why? Because you love these people, you don’t want to damage your relationships with them and the topic of money is always a potentially trying one to…
Business of Collections
If you’ve been looking for someone to help you collect, look no further. At Cascade Collections, we’ve made it our business to figure out the best and most effective ways to collect. Are you an apartment owner who needs to get rent paid by some of your tenants? Have you provided services–piano lessons, karate lessons–for…
Money, Money, Money
When you’re trying to run a business, you often encounter customers or clients who are late making payments or who don’t pay at all. Maybe you are a landlord and you’ve got renters who can’t or won’t pay the rent. Perhaps you have already performed a service or delivered a good and now you are…
Debt Collection for Your Company
If your company is considering hiring a collection agency you’ve come to the right place. Outsourcing your debt collection will help you reduce costs, will save you and your employees’ time, and enables you to augment your resources. How Can Cascade Collections Help? Tracking down debtors. Many people incur debt and then simply disappear. How…
Holidays and Money
It’s fall and we all love this time of year, don’t we? The bite in the air, the crunching leaves, the hot apple cider. We’re enjoying the carved pumpkins on front porches, the brilliant red sunsets, the smoke rising from chimneys. Soon we’ll see little children haunting the streets in their costumes–little ghosts and superheroes…