We Collect Debt For You

At Cascade Collections we put the best tactics into play when we collect for you. Lesser agencies resort to unethical and even illegal practices, including abusive or threatening phone calls, or making false claims. At Cascade Collections we have always kept our processes legitimate and above board–which, by the way, isn’t always easy, because being a good collector requires a fair amount of diligence, patience, and strategy.

In fact, many debtors become difficult when they are contacted about a debt–this may be a tactic or a legitimate fearful or angry reaction. In either case, at Cascade Collections our debt collectors remain calm and professional, no matter how confrontational the debtor becomes. We know that emotional and heated conversations rarely lead to an effective communication for either party.

We’ll also help debtors to get on track paying off their debts by setting deadlines and drawing up a payment plan. We’re very clear in our expectations and we’re able to work with debtors to set up a schedule that they are able and willing to keep. In addition, we’re firm and resolute in our communications with debtors when they miss a payment, helping them to understand the consequences of such and avoid them.

At Cascade Collections, we don’t want to be the bad guy, so we’re willing to work with debtors and we understand that financial situations vary. Some debtors are able to pay off their debt quickly and rather easily. Others will need more time and smaller payments. Being flexible and working with debtors one-to-one allows us to ultimately recover more.

If our methods and values sound reasonable to you and you’ve been in need of a collector, give us a call, we’ll be happy to go into greater detail about our strategies and we’d love to hear about your specific situation and how we can help you.



