There are many debt collection agencies in Utah and Cascade Collections is one of them. We offer debt collection and recovery services to the Wasatch Front region in Utah. However, Cascade Collections is the Utah Debt Collector. We are unique in that we know what it takes to recover a debt, no matter what type. Additionally, we have the resources and relationships that are required to effectively recover a debt, which include using an attorney that knows the law, can reduce a debt to a judgment, and then effectively executing on that judgment.
As the Utah Debt Collector, Cascade Collections offers creditors debt recovery services for as low as 30% (compare that to other debt collection agencies in Utah!), depending on the debt. Furthermore, we have relationships with attorneys that allow us to provide cheaper, yet more effective services than other debt collection agencies in Utah.
Cascade Collections was a member in the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses cohort and, as such, employs best practices in its operations for debt collection and recovery.
With so many debt collection agencies in Utah, how do you know which one to choose? We think the choice is simple: find the one that, at the end of the day, you see collecting more money. We believe Cascade Collections is the obvious answer, and our low commission rates are just icing on the cake!
Don’t hesitate, contact our agency today to let us start collecting for you.